School Board Rule (6Gx13-5C-1.031), Coral Reef Elementary voted to participate in the mandatory uniform program. All students will be required to wear the uniform selected by the uniform committee. Parent or guardians are permitted to exempt their children from the mandatory uniform program by requesting an Application for Exemption from the Uniform Program available in the school office. Exceptions to wearing the uniform are permitted when uniforms of a nationally recognized youth organization, such as the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, are worn on regular meeting days, the wearing of a school uniform violates a student’s sincerely held religious belief, or a student’s parent or guardian has secured an exemption.
Boys & Girls |
Bottoms | Navy Blue and Khaki bottoms |
Tops | Polo-style shirts, or button down in Navy, Red, Light Blue, White, Yellow or Pink |
Dress | Polo-style dresses in Navy, Red, Light Blue, White, Yellow or Pink |
Patch | Coral Reef Elementary School patch required |
Wednesdays are Spirit Days and children may wear class shirts, Spirit shirts, or Club shirts.